Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass

Scared to Release your Music?

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Bob James looks back at over 20 Years of music industry experience including publishing, working for record labels and in artist relations. He has experience in almost every aspect of the music industry including a strong contact network. Still an active manager, maintaining a roster of artists and writers, including Kelvin Jones. Bob has been a consultant for many labels including arista records (BMG) and EMI Records. He has been part of a production team with projects signed to Warners, MCA and Telstar Records. He regularly sits on industry panels and lectures on the music industry and new business models. Furthermore he is a mindfulness coach and teacher, mentor for business and music business clients.


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About this podcast

Newcomer or upcoming artist? You've been writing songs? Been busking on the streets? Spent hours in a band practice room? It's time to push your music career to the next level. Join Hannah and meet producers, label managers, independent artists, booking agents, radio hosts and festival organizers to discuss the secrets of the music scene: Are record deals really cool and how do I become famous?

by Hannah Trigwell & Thomann Music


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