Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass

Releasing and Promoting your Music

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Rise Against just released their new album "Nowhere Generation". Hannah got the chance to talk to Tim McLirath, vocalist / rhythm guitar, about writing, releasing and promoting an album these days.

Taking Your own Artist and Press Shots

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You're a DIY artist and want to take great photos with a basic setup for your press shots? In this episode, Tommy Reynolds shares his experience of being a photographer on tour, how he takes portraits and how you can create an outstanding artwork yourself.

Carving Your own Path in Music

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You dream of becoming a successful musician, but you struggle to pursue your deams? Leslie Gaston-Bird and Hannah discuss possibilities to manifest your musical career.

Music Licensing for DJs

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Without doubt, the most asked at the moment question is: How to avoid muting, blocking and take downs in your DJ streams. In this episode Dr. Hayleigh Bosher and Hannah discuss music copyright and what licenses a DJ needs to remix a track and what to consider for legally using samples.

Reasons to Record Analog

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Being a plantium recording engineer, Lenise Bent has been working on many successful records such as Blondie's AutoAmerican. She was also creating the foreign music and effect tracks for the entire Disney cartoon catalog. Apart from all this, one love remains: The love for analog. In this episode, Lenise gives some tips on analog recording and building a sustainable career.

Making Your Own Cover Art

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What does an amazing artwork for your music look like? And when is it really finished? Every musician who releases music trys to come up with a unique design for the cover of the single or album. And how does it impact the success of your music?

Making It in the New Music Business

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How can you juggle multiple projects and be an artist at the same time? For many musicians it's hard building a career these days, caused by lockdown-confusions and a quick-changing music market. Ari and Hannah reveal how you can manage yourself and make it as an independent artist. Tune in!

Women in the Music Business | #ChooseToChallenge

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Happy International Women's Day! How can you overcome obstacles and take career controle as a woman in music? Though a music career takes hard work and perseverance, you - as women - prove it is worth it. You have the chance to give the world an outlet for creative impulses, the ability to share important messages and the chance to tell stories. Do so and #choosetochallenge

What Music Publishing is About

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Why do musicians need a music publisher and what does it take to potentially become one yourself? Facts, Rhiannon Mair (songwriter, producer and founder of "Palm Bay Music") answers. She also reveals how to get on a "New Music Friday"-playlist!

Facts You Need to Know About Merchandising

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Do specific products sell better than others? And when should an artist or band invest in merchandise? Ever asked yourself this? Then tune in and listen to Jamie from "Awesome Merch" share some insights on how to sell your merchandise successfully.

About this podcast

Newcomer or upcoming artist? You've been writing songs? Been busking on the streets? Spent hours in a band practice room? It's time to push your music career to the next level. Join Hannah and meet producers, label managers, independent artists, booking agents, radio hosts and festival organizers to discuss the secrets of the music scene: Are record deals really cool and how do I become famous?

by Hannah Trigwell & Thomann Music


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