Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass

Making It in the New Music Business

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Ari Herstand is author of best selling book 'How to Make It in the New Music Business'. Since releasing his previous album, Brave Enough in 2014, he’s released a best-selling book (two editions), appeared on various TV shows as an actor, toured the world as a speaker, launched Ari’s Take Academy online music business school, a throw-back 1970s inspired funk project Brassroots District, ran a pandemic-inspired online music festival (UnCancelled), got a law passed in California (musician amendment to AB5), launched the New Music Business podcast.


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About this podcast

Newcomer or upcoming artist? You've been writing songs? Been busking on the streets? Spent hours in a band practice room? It's time to push your music career to the next level. Join Hannah and meet producers, label managers, independent artists, booking agents, radio hosts and festival organizers to discuss the secrets of the music scene: Are record deals really cool and how do I become famous?

by Hannah Trigwell & Thomann Music


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