Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass

What does a Musical Director do?

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Some musicians wait their whole careers for one dream gig – Ashton Miranda is holding down two of them. Four years ago, this in-demand British keys man joined the lineup of the mighty Ed Sheeran, before word-of-mouth saw him snapped up as the musical director for electro-pop queen Anne-Marie, responsible for recreating hit singles like Friends and 2002 on stages around the world. Whether he’s triggering samples, using plug-outs, creating new synth sounds from scratch or simply performing chart-topping hooks, Ashton turns to the only live keyboard setup that can keep up with his imagination, drilling deep into the features of the Roland FA-07 workstation, RD-2000 stage piano and SYSTEM-8 synth.


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About this podcast

Newcomer or upcoming artist? You've been writing songs? Been busking on the streets? Spent hours in a band practice room? It's time to push your music career to the next level. Join Hannah and meet producers, label managers, independent artists, booking agents, radio hosts and festival organizers to discuss the secrets of the music scene: Are record deals really cool and how do I become famous?

by Hannah Trigwell & Thomann Music


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