Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass

Ways to Get your Music Heard

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Adam Ivy is an American music producer, brand strategist, professional YouTuber, award winning creative marketing specialist, and founder of Jusbi™ Apparel who has established himself as an authority in the online business world. Turning an eight hundred dollar investment at twenty-three years old into a six figure online income, Adam created and implemented marketing techniques that accelerated his brand recognition from initial launch to viral fame in under 24 months. As an early adopter of the YouTube platform, Adams’ work has been featured on CNBC, G4TV, MTV as well as dozens of nationally syndicated radio programs.


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About this podcast

Newcomer or upcoming artist? You've been writing songs? Been busking on the streets? Spent hours in a band practice room? It's time to push your music career to the next level. Join Hannah and meet producers, label managers, independent artists, booking agents, radio hosts and festival organizers to discuss the secrets of the music scene: Are record deals really cool and how do I become famous?

by Hannah Trigwell & Thomann Music


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