Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass

Believing in Your Music

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You are a songwriter, but don't believe in your songs? You have started to produce lately, but you aren't convinced of your own tracks? Learn how to be confident and how to turn your weaknesses into strengths with the advice of Dylan Pines, a producer and content creator @Musician on a Mission.

Do Musicians Need a Brand Deal?

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Can you still fund tours with brands? Questions many musicians ask themselves before playing live shows. Brand Partnership Manager, Kate Truscott, talks about artist deals and what you should be aware of before signing a contract with brands.

Advice for Artists in 2021

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What can you do to proceed or even succed with your music in 2021? In this episode, music industry advisor Mike Burgess, answers the most common questions about the music business and mentions sone tips that can help pushing your musical career to the next level - even these days.

The Key to Songwriting

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Timberland, Harry Styles, Adele and many more: They are all artists and co-writers at the same time. But what's the their role in a songwriting session and how can co-writing be rewarding for the the record? Our guests today: Hannie, an electronic duo.

Ways to Get your Music Heard

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How should you marketing your music without selling your soul? There are hundreds of ways to get heard - Adam Ivy, marketing specialist, reveals which ones are the most effective and how you can establish yourself in the music business.

Making it as a Drummer

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Ever wondered how to become Yungbluds or a professional drummer? Ben Sharp is the man behind the kit, working for BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge and major label acts who require real drums on their production. Listen and become a pro drummer yourself!

What does a Musical Director do?

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What does it feel like, performing with Ed Sheeran or working with Anne-Marie? Ashton Miranda, musical director, keys player and producer talks about his favorite experiences on tour, working on some of the biggest shows in pop music and his Roland live setup. And what does Robbie Williams have to do with all this?

What Music Cities are About

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Do you remember how exhausting it was to find your first band practice room or concert location? In this episode, Danny Keir and Hannah discuss why musicians must have local amenities in order to thrive - from rehearsal rooms and educational facilities, to grassroots clubs and performance spaces.

How to Visualize your Show

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Touring is not only about performing on stage - it's also about spreading emotions through visual effects, lighting settings and the right show moments. But what does it take to come up with the perfect creative concept for your show?

How releasing Music has Changed

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Most of us remember the first cd we brought - nowerdays sales is made digital / by touring. But how does this influence the process of writing, releasing and promoting your music? In this episode, Hannah and Julia Nunes discuss how the internet has changed over the last ten years and what that means for the modern artists.

About this podcast

Newcomer or upcoming artist? You've been writing songs? Been busking on the streets? Spent hours in a band practice room? It's time to push your music career to the next level. Join Hannah and meet producers, label managers, independent artists, booking agents, radio hosts and festival organizers to discuss the secrets of the music scene: Are record deals really cool and how do I become famous?

by Hannah Trigwell & Thomann Music


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